Do you know in your heart that speaking is the next chapter of your leadership calling and a fabulous way of delivering your thought leadership and guidance?
Or are you already speaking, but want to focus on a new powerful talk?
Do you know speaking would be impactful and profitable, and create more opportunities and invitations for you?
Do you find it deeply satisfying to inspire others and nurture their growth and that speaking is a powerful way to do that?
Do you find it difficult to distil your years or even decades of experience into a few key messages that you can deliver in 30-miuntes?
This programme enables you to distil your wealth of experience to its essence and then craft it into your inspiring Signature Talk
I have been speaking publicly for over 30 years and have developed a simple and powerful process to help you distil and then structure your experience and insight into an impactful 30-minute talk that you develop and feel inspired and confident to deliver to your ideal audiences and clients.
Hundreds of entrepreneurs, leaders and coaches have asked me to help them take their wealth of experience and successfully design, develop and develop their own Signature Talk using the process I will take you through.
The talks I have personally created using this same process have created invitations to give hundreds of talks in dozens of cities in seventeen countries across the planet, and I have been invited to work with many household-name companies.
There are nine tangible, clear outcomes for you of our work together. We will aim for “Version 1” of the following:
Tangible outcomes:
- #1 – Who is your talk for? Ideal client/audience
- #2 – What are your personal and professional reasons for speaking?
- #3 – Your talk’s Title
- #4 – Your talk’s Sub-Title
- #5 – Your talk’s 6 to 10 key messages – what you want to inspire your audience to through hearing you
- #6 – Your talk structure – crafting and actually structuring the content you would deliver
- #7 – Your personal credibility to speak – why people should listen to you and the value of your unique voice on your subject
- #8 – Three key ideas on how you generate opportunities to give your talk
- #9 – How you can begin to create and structure your “Speaker showreel page,” that both demonstrates your credibility and helps you create more opportunities
Once you have Version 1, you can continue to refine and wordsmith your talk outline.
Going through this process will get you to the heart of your big messages and ideas. As well as your talk, you will also be able to use this clarity to start designing posts, workshops and even your book.
What is your investment?
Our 1:1 time together, drawing out your messages, editing, distilling, crafting, structuring and sending back to you, takes 2 to 3 hours of my time, for which I currently charge £750, payable in advance. Contact Me Now
How does the process work?
There is no preparation for you to do, as your work so far has been the preparation. I simply ask you a series of crafted questions and I capture your answers to them. With your agreement, I will keep you on track and help you stay focused on answering the questions, avoiding distraction, tangents and unnecessary explanations or detail. I capture your responses.
As the process concludes, I will share with you what I see as having most power and impact in what you are saying. I will share and feedback to you what I “see and hear” the particularly powerful, inspiring and impactful aspects of your ideas and messages.
Having captured your responses for you, I then type them up and craft them for you, and then return them to you as your completed talk outline, usually within 48 hours. Once you have the outline, you can immediately start to offer to organisations and networks and you can carry on developing it.
What should you do next?
Let’s talk and see if we are a fit. If I feel I can help, I’ll suggest we go ahead.
Should I think that I don’t think I am a fit for you right now, I will say so and I’ll make suggestions on what I think you might usefully do next.
Drop me an e mail at with a couple of paragraphs describing your current situation and we’ll arrange to speak I have led hundreds of people through this process, and I know it works, but should we work together and for some reason don’t achieve the clarity you wanted, I will happily refund you either partly or in whole. I want you to have your clarity.
“You took me right to the “inspire” phase and I felt an immediate sense of relief, and structure started to appear for the first time. You kept me focused, provided guidance on how to consolidate and write my material, and gave me the confidence to keep on track. Everything you suggested felt slightly out-of-reach, yet also attainable, and that is exactly the place I needed to reach within myself. I felt empowered after our coaching sessions together.”
Jane French