Maria Lloyd
My Story of Transformation
“Your coaching work always brings forward the genuine in me and my work.“
Filmmaker, Norway
Her film SALT
The making of SALT
What was the problem you were having before you engaged me?
I was feeling helpless as I had not completed the potential of the project and used up most of the grant that was meant to complete the whole film.
What did your frustration feel like as you tried to solve the problem yourself?
I felt almost locked into a place where I only felt duty to complete. Like I was holding on the idea to complete too hard (I have to complete it, I have to complete it) it blocked the way to see a way forward.
What was different about my approach to helping you solve your problem?
You encouraged me to take a step back, breath and let go of the hard “mental” grip I had gotten myself into. Like I was encouraged to detach from my very passionate thing which was to make and finish the film.
Take us to the moment when you realized the coaching was actually beginning to work to solve your problem.
It took a while for me to trust that you understood my situation, but then a revelation happened and I found it helpful to listen to the recordings of our session. Like I could hear myself being blocked and scared of not doing my job good enough and how you advise slowly help me to unwind the anxiety to give space for a new solution to appear. You helped me to trust other (more easy) ways to complete the film, that abundance are available, giving space and letting it happen more in a natural way. He helped me to connect with the meaning behind my intentions, the core of the why I was doing it. You and I worked on defining the mission statements of the film.
What does your life looks like now that your problem is solved or is being solved?
I am making films and have had several films made and distributed world-wide. My reflections around the making of the films have become making of documentaries, so the process behind are also appreciated by the audience. I also started reading the course of miracles book that you talk a lot about. Helping me to unwrap the blocks and mental fear to breathing better and seeing the new and fun ways to make films and sharing them to a wide audience.
Why did you choose me?
I had read your book The Work You Were Born To Do and my film felt so important to me. I like how you are not shy to share your own struggles and being a modern leader with strength and weaknesses. Your coaching work always brings forward the genuine in me and my work.