Unconditional Success


Loving the Work We Were Born to Do.

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For some people the very mention of the word “success” brings to mind memories of challenges met and ambitions realised; for others, in contrast, this simple world triggers feelings of inadequacy and failure, of wasted energy and missed opportunities.

Now, in Unconditional Success, leading business consultant Nick Williams offers invaluable advice on how we can all achieve our goals and turn those damaging nightmares into dreams come true.

Here, he redefines the meaning of success, Nick shows us how to:

Overcome the stumbling blocks that inhibit our progress
Abandon the fear of failure that prevents us pushing back the boundaries
Achieve success without sacrifice – and self belief without conceit
Tap into our innate creative spirit in order to achieve all we desire unconditional-success

Inspiring and practical in its approach, this empowering step-by-step guide also encourages us to re-establish that unique relationship with ourselves – the relationship most in the mists of time – which, once rekindled, will bring balance and harmony to our lives and lead us to achieve our ultimate goal – Unconditional Success

Why I wrote Unconditional Success
I was very blessed that the success of The Work We Were Born To Do bought me to the attention of other publishers and I was offered a two-book deal by Bantam Books, part of Random House, and wrote Unconditional Success and Powerful Beyond Measure under that contract.

The subject matter for Unconditional Success was born out of my desire to marry the two worlds of success and spirituality for myself and others. By then, I had initially spent a decade in the corporate world of success and a decade in the world of spirituality and they still seemed like worlds that didn’t meet or speak much to each other. In my corporate career, I had felt driven to be successful to prove that I wasn’t a failure, but I only ever got to feel that I was a conditional success; my feeling of being a success depended on me achieving particular results. In the spiritual world, much of the teaching was about unconditional worth and value, that who we were was loveable and precious, irrespective of any successes or failures we may experience.

I wrote Unconditional Success to put forward the idea that who we are is a success and that success was not something to chase or prove, but something to be and to embody. Success is a place to come from rather than a place to get to. I loved the idea that when we create success from a place of fullness, it is much more fulfilling.

Unconditional Success articulated a new vision for success, what it meant and how to express ourselves in the world.


Nick is an internationally renowned speaker, mentor and best-selling author of ten books. He has spent the last 20 years as a coach, adviser, friend, mentor, spiritual advisor and encourager to leaders in the areas of business the media and entertainment, the law, personal and spiritual growth, academia, retail, the NHS. His purpose is inspiring people to discover and live their unique calling and to show up in the world with their unique gifts. He is founder of the Spiritual Pro Global Community. His books have been translated into eight languages, and he has so far been invited to speak in sixteen countries.